PERFECT- This game has it all. And all is what you want. It has Terrrific sounds, and the ambience is AMAZING. LOVE IT!
User Rating: 10 | Monster Hunter PS2
This game has IT ALL! Online is great I put in over 2000! HOURS INTO PALYING THIS GAME. It has DRAGONS, fish monsters, lava monsters bugs, raptors! ALL U WANT. GET THIS and play the hell out of it. Then buy Monster Hunter for PSP play hell out of that when it comes out. Then buy monster hunter 2 when it comes out. And play that so much you will need a new ps2. This game immerses you in an unbelievable WAY! The sounds and ambience is amazing, the roars and footsteps make you just go WOW! Play this game it’s a MUST HAVE FOR ANY PS2 LOVER and LOVER of ONLINE PLAY!