Prepare to spend long hours killing wyvrens.

User Rating: 6.3 | Monster Hunter PS2
So first of all the reason I picked up this game was because my friend told me to, so then i bought it.

In Monster Hunter you start of customizing your character, pretty cool, then your sent to a town where a chief gives you money to buy some bare bones equipment. Now the hunt begins with some really boring quests, mainly collecting stuff. Once farther in the game you'll pick up better armor, swords. To do this you will probably have to harvest tons of a specific item.

Now lets get to on-line, on-line is a lot more fun, but then again its kind of hard to type with a keyboard and dodge a wyvrens attack thats going to kill you. And if your like me and don't have your Ps2 always connected to the Internet, you will find that there's nothing to go to on-line for worth connected your ps2 to the Internet and going through long waits.

Now Monster Hunter really gets irritating when you're cooking meat, searching the ground, cutting out monsters parts, harvesting ore, and fishing. Why? Because it gets boring watching the animations that it feels like half the game is doing these. And how many of these do you have to go through to make your armor or weapons better, alot.

Now I've been saying alot of negative things about Monster Hunter. So I'll start saying some positives. Which is just fighting the wyvrens when you have good enough armor to do so. That and killing velocoprey and the variations of it. These are particularly fun.

So it's up to you to buy this game because it seems to be a hit and miss. I'd only reccomend it to on-line users and people who can spend alot of time with this game.