I'm not going to waste everyone's time trying to sell a cheesy 4X4 Monster Truck game to your typical racing fan. However, I must admit Monster Truck games are a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't know why, I've never even owned a 4X4 or been down to the real events at my local arena -- but for some reason I have played most of them, from the PC, PSOne, PS2, DS all the way to the Wii and now the 360. This game is "THE" Monster Truck game. There is not a Monster Truck game that is better and this one plain rocks!!!! It does everything I like - right down to the dated 80's metal riff that rocks you through the menus to the over the top masculine announcer that will anounce 'grave digger' when you pick that truck at the truck selection screen. Don't buy this game hoping to get Forza on fat tires or some type of simulation - buy it to crank it up and crush things and you are in for a treat. The offers alot more than a sandbox to crush cars though, it does have a robust racing event system and unlockables and awesome track layouts. A must have for Monster Truck junkies like myself.
The Good: Freestyle and Stadium Racing modes are available, and they work pretty well; Good roster of trucks, Racing is just like FlatOut, Good graphics; World Finals Freestyle is the highlight of the game... The Bad:... Read Full Review
I just got this game... and it is incredible. You smash obstacles in a Monster Truck while racing other monster trucks and it is spectacular. The steering is very sensitive, which can be either really great or a big pain... Read Full Review