10 minutes easily turns to 10 hours

User Rating: 9.5 | Monster Farm Advance 2 GBA
Makes the hours fly...and much faster then I expected when I bought this. The game was very easy to navigate through the menus, and gets you started on your first monster very fast. The are so many features to train and raise your monster I was surprised. It did take me a while to get a hang of the battle system, but once I did I had no problem in the tournaments. Although the graphics are simple (of course being gba) I found my self immersed in "AGE" for hours. Very great for children and adults alike! It has both simple yet addictive game play. Thinking this wold be much like the Harvest moon series, I was very happy to find a game with similar play, yet a whole new unique story and plot. Great for fans of and neo pet or raising of sim animals, and also battle gamers. I am definitely adding this game to my favorite mindless addictions.