More for kids than for experienced gamers

User Rating: 6.5 | Disney/Pixar Monsters, Inc. Scare Island (Platinum) PS
Picture this: When you're young, about 9-10 years old, you buy a new video game. The game grows on you and you play it like crazy. A few years later, when you are older (about 17 and over) you dust off the game and you'll start playing it again. This time however, the game doesn't feel so fun to play as thought it was when you where younger.

This is the case with Monster's Inc: Scream Team for the PSX. You'll play it all the time when you're a kid, but when you're a grown-up you can't appreciate it the same way you did as a kid.

The game is based on the movie "Monster's Inc", a movie about monsters scaring human children in order to supply their city with power. Rather than following the plot of the movie, the developers decided to make up a new plot for this game, apparently because they didn't want people going: "I don't remember that from the movie!"

You can play as the two main characters from the movie Sullivan or Mike, working their way to become the very best at Monster's Inc. To do this, they need to complete their training taking place in three different world: the city, the desert and finally the winter world. Each world consists of 4 levels, which is in total 12 different levels.

The goal of each level is to scare small robots, called "nerves". To help you with this you have your Scare-O Meter. The Scare-O Meter is divided into five colored parts, each representing the colors of the nervs: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. To be able to scare a nerv with a specific color, it requires the matching color bar on the Scare-O Meter to be filled. This is done by collecting cans containing some sort of slime.

On each level there's three medals you must collect: bronze, silver and gold. To get the bronze medal you need to scare at least 5 of the nervs placed on the level, to get the silver medal you need to collect ten Monster's Inc tokens on that level on to get the gold medal you'll need to scare every remaining nerv on that level.

After collecting every bronze medal in a world, you will unlock a racing challenge against Randall, the antagonist of the movie. If you win, you'll unlock a movie clip.

As a kid, you don't really care if the gameplay is repetitive or too easy. When you're older it matters very much however, since you can beat a game in just 2 hours of so if the game is about as easy as placing a pen on a table. The whole game is basically you scaring nerves by pressing three different buttons and racing against Randall every one in a while. Even if some of the scaring moves are funny to watch, there's nothing more to be offered in this game.

Monster's Inc: Scream Team is a good game for kids and for anyone that has got two hours to kill, but if you're looking for a game with challenge and gameplay variety, this isn't what you're looking for.