GameSpot's Review Score of '2' Is An Insult to Gaming...

User Rating: 6 | Montague's Mount PC

A lot of things were done wrong about this game. It is hardly a horror suspense but is more a mystery adventure. There is no fighting in it. There is no action to speak of in it except in some simple short mini games. You can play it in a few hours or up to 10 maybe depending on how much you like poking around. If you are looking for a $60 grand adventure--something like New Vegas--for crying out loud Montague's Mount isn't it. One of the 20 odd achievements was hunting down 22 cleverly placed crosses that took some time to find all of. The voice work is good. The music score is good. The foot steps no so good.

I would encourage GameSpot and others to reconsider giving this adventure such a poor score. I turned off the blurry graphics and turned the light level as high as it would go and never had any trouble reading the notes or seeing my way around. Only found one bug I experienced accidentally only a couple times--The PC upon hitting the edge of a path could start rising up into the air. You could easily recover and return to where you were or go off exploring some parts of the game out of bounds.

Sorry but I give GameSpot disrespect for their review this time until they revise it upward.