Best Fighting game ever am not fan of mortal kombat but this one change my mind
i was fan in 1991 1993 1995
1 2 and 3 but after that i was no more fan but when i played this one i was amazed and happy, i never played a great fighting game like this its classic style with amazing graphics.
the story is not liek any other fighting game, there is story in each player in ladder mode but normal story is like a movie you play as all players and here you can fing out how jax lose his arms and kabal how he get burn and the story of scorpion and the story of sub zero and how sub zero become cyber sub zero and sektor and cyrax how they become cybers.
amazing STORY
TAG Fight is great you can choose 2 fighters
online is very cool has nice connection no problem with connection great speed while fighting.
i highly recommend this game i love it
my user is R-SOUB