Mortal Kombat9 Offers A Great Story And A Great Gameplay,But I Still Have Doubts On Some Major Problems Within The Game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mortal Kombat X360
Through out the years mortal kombat has changed many times from the first ever mortal kombat game to this latest MK 9,there has been a lot of changes,well not to the characters but the whole system in which the fights take place,from the stories it tells to creating new characters for the game.there has been drastic changes all at once and if you compare this latest MK game to the last titles there are major changes visible.
So I started playing mortal kombat and to be honest I was expecting less from that game,but my god these new fighting moves and x-ray abilities are just amazing.
There are many modes to play such as the story and the challenge tower,you can also start fighting quickly on either the classic arcade mode or VS fighting in a multiplayer or single player match.
As always mortal kombat starts very violent and you can just see how brutal the game can get by simple filling you Special Bar to level 3 and do one x-ray move to see you character beating the crap out of the opponent and the new X-RAY ability here is that the camera will show you an x-ray vision of you cracking bones and breaking the skull of your enemy as it happens,pretty neat!
Just like any other fighting game you have a list of normal moves and special moves,long with combos and fatalities to be performed on the scene.
At first you dont have any fatality moves but as you play the challenge tower you learn fatalities and unlock other modes.
The story in mortal kombat 9 is a good one.Unlike the other MK games before in which we saw lacking of a great story,MK9 isnt like before,it has a long story to play and a lot of new characters to showoff.when you play the story you keep on changing characters after each chapter you play as you go on to each chapter you learn more about that character.
I saw a few little problems with MK9 which I thought it was worth mentioning.Well the cutscenes arent good enough I think,there seems to be bad animating of characters and bad rendering of animations.In each cutscene for example, when you watch a it in the story mode,and afterwards it quickly changes to a playable fight you can see a great difference between the gaming part seems to be much more sharper and crisp.The least we could have had was a great rendering of every cutscene available but we didnt get that.
Another thing I saw within mortal kombat was the fact that the female characters have manly bodies I specifically mean shoulders,face or rather skull,and even their hands looks too big for them.An example would be Sonya Blade that looks like a man all the way through the game.
Not just that,but the hairs for each character looks very very bad,in fact it didnt have anything different than the last MK game.Just to mention even the characters dont look different than the last title,whats going on?did they even change anything on the character modeling?did they even model new characters for MK9?it doesnt seem that way to me,plus it seems more like they had only changed costumes of some specific characters.
About the gameplay though, I think it is the best gameplay we have ever had on MK series the fighting is so excellent,movement and upper and lower punches plus upper and lower kicks are much different than the other MK games I have played im referring to each characters uniqueness in those area.
When I started to see some of the levels for the first time I was practically surprised on how good it looked.Some of those levels are based on the classic Mortal Kombat from the sega generation for example the falling pit and the acid room and the level in the forest was perfectly made and did bring back some memories.Also there were some great looking levels which was absolutely brand new.In anycase my favourite part of the game would have to be the levels, there are a lot of levels you can fight in and the levels have been made beautifully to satisfy the player.
There is also anew mode that has all these mini games such as test your luck and test your might which seems a bit odd for me,but its a new feature and does play well on the challenge tower.
MK9 is the best one in the series but I personally expected more from it,because to have all these years on their side and all the experiences these guys had with MK, I personally wanted better character modeling,but to see after all these years that Liu Kang's hair is that bad and johnny cage's head looks incomplete and you can clearly see his hair in 3d is messed up really bad just shocked me.
The costumes looks good ,i was please with the new scorpion costume.
In the end I was please with what MK9 offered but there was also major problems with in the graphical range such as what I mentioned before about the character modeling and char.Hair rendering,but gameplay was astonishingly good and so was the storyline.I pretty much enjoyed playing it.
I will give MK9, 7.5 out of 10.