Mortal Kombat 4 has amazed us now it is on a handheld console.
The story is simple in the game, wait a minute. What is the plot?
This is what will be said if you’ve only played this version of Mortal Kombat 4 because the game never explains the story and why there is a tournament. It explains the endings when you beat the game with one of the nine fighters in clear descriptive text. But it doesn’t show the beginning plot. But if you played Mortal Kombat 4 on the other consoles, it is simple. Thousands of years ago in a battle with the fallen elder god known as Shinnok, I was responsible for the death of an entire civilization. To rid all realms of Shinnok's menace I waged a war that plunged the earth into centuries of darkness and banished Shinnok to a place called the Netherealm. Now after Shao Kahn's defeat at the hands of the earth warriors, Shinnok has managed to escape his confines of the Netherealm. The war is now being fought once again, and this time it can be won by mortals. As said by Raiden in the console are arcade versions of the game.
There are 9 fighters to choose to play as, Lui Kang, Fujin, Quan Chi, Sub Zero, Scorpian, Reiko, Raiden, Tanya as an unlock able character, Reptile. Each one has two special moves and a Fatality. The Fatalities look like stupid silhouettes with completely less blood than the home console versions. And the finishing moves are really difficult to do.
One bad point I’d like to say is the difficulty, on novice it is too easy and normal it is to hard. It makes to game boring and no fun.
There is sound in the game but it is in very poor quality and the music is awful.
The whole of this game does not look like it was made by Midway and or Digital Eclipse Inc. It looks like it was made by University students who failed a Video game making course. It is by far the worst Mortal Kombat game ever.