Kompletely incredible game bolstered by Kolossal roster and game modes makes new entry in the MK universe a welcome one
User Rating: 9.5 | Mortal Kombat: Armageddon PS2
What can i say about this game? first let me start with the game modes this title offers. You have the traditional 1-on-1 Kombat we all know and love, with 2-player or 1 VS comp. options. There is the online Kombat where you can play against people all over the world. the Katchy new "Motor Kombat" where you face off against 7 opponents in mario kart styled racing/dueling with a few Kombat twists including map hazards and fatalities. then there is the Konquest mode which is an amazing addition in this game, far better and improved from Deception's lack-luster job. You follow the story of Taven, son of elder gods who is on a quest to compete against his brother daegon in a race to find and defeat the hell spawn blaze in mortal kombat to gain the god rights from their parents. you will meet many, new and classic villains and allies along your quest as you fight through a x-men legends styled action adventure with several special powers waiting to be unlocked.there is also an immense amount of unlockables to be found in this mode ranging from new characters, to alt. costumes, to new arenas to music, you name it you can unlock it. Next we have the Kreate a fighter mode which to be honest is not only very kustomizeable, but addictive as hell. I have spent hours creating different warriors, and tweaking all their looks and movesets and special moves. Many of the nay-sayers of this game have complained about spending too much on all the new additions and the "quantity vs quality" ideal. they have complained that the fighting isn't new and redone, and to them i say, "why fix something that isn't broke?" Mortal Kombat has had the most intriguing and entertaining fighting schemes for years, why would they change up the style so many adoring fans have come to love? anyways, as for the fighting itself, the same ol gameplay you love and expect from MK is back with all the ridiculous bloodletting moves and combos. There is a 2-style fighting system for the majority of the characters, hand to hand, and weapon based. there are all also all kinds of death traps to admire in the arenas as well. ranging from being lit on fire and launched via catapult into a castle wall, to the classic spike impalements, to being chopped up into little pieces by rotating saws, to being burned in acid, the list goes on and on. the newest and most noticable change, though is in the final moments of the fight, the fatality system. the classic cinematic fatalities of the past are gone replaced with an easier more user friendly, Kreate a fatality, system. allowing you to make your own, kustom fatalities ranging from limb removals to brain and heart ripping to tearing them in half to crushing their heads or all of the above, one after the other, the choice is yours. with hours of gameplay and unlockables galore, Mortal Kombat's new title Armageddon is a worthy title along side the classics you love.