A must have for any MK fan or fighting game fan out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Mortal Kombat: Armageddon PS2
If you are a Mortal Kombat fan this is a game for you, if not an MK fan its worth trying out. The first and one of the best things about MKA is the insane number of characters to chose from,and of course and MK fan has to love the ability to play as and of the bosses from the previous games. The best part for me is the kreate a fighter. Midway did an awsome job here. Being able to chose what your character looks like is nice, but being able to pick what each button does, make your own combos, and pick you specials is by far the best part of MKA. Another big plus, if you bought the perium edition, is Ulimate MK3. In my opinion it is at the top of the list for the best MK's. Before I say anything negative I would like to say that because of the number of Characters and the Kreat A Fighter anything that is lacking in the game, in my opinion is a result of the about of space avaliable on dvd format. The Konquest is lacking a bit. They did a nice job in making it a bit like Shaolin Monks, in allowing you to fight mobs on the map, but the in ability to free roam takes away in my opinion. They gave us something good but took away the best part of the Original Konquest mode from Deception. Unlike Deception we only get one extra game and it really isn't all that. I think Midway should have just upgraded one of the games from Deception or done something different the Moto Kombat just dosen't cut it. All things concidered Midway did a great job considering the space abaliable, and i would recommend this game to anyone who loves MK. In my opinion MKA ranks up there as one of the top MK games. Lastly I'm sure Ed Boone and all the fine people at Midway will amaze us with the next MK for the next gen consoles, and i do hope to see an upgrade to the fighting system.