There is no Denying that this is a treat for all the MK fans our there, and I"m one of them. Its just not well rou

User Rating: 7.1 | Mortal Kombat: Armageddon PS2
Lets start off by saying Thanks to Midway for releasing a very nice game like this one for us MK fans. I mean Capcom never dreamed of releasing anything like this, Or Namco for that matter. Just the idea of having this full line of characters deserves at least a score of 7.

Okay now lets get on with it than. When it comes down to it we are getting 2 games in one...which is probably a good excuse for the MK developers to say hey we did good on this one. But they didn't. I as a MK fan only care about the fighting section of the game. I rather finish the final boss and open up the hidden characters and their customs than play for hours on end and need a guide to find everything in the game. Now lets back track to MK Deception. The game was well rounded. Every Fighter had 3 fighting styles, lots of us LOVED the chess games and the puzzle fighters as well. The ending left something to be desired but we all looked forward to Armageddon for that. Never the less the game offered a great deal of modes on and off line. And the Fatalities were a KILLER to watch. I don't know if its just me, but I love to watch the Fatalities that makes every character different than the other. Now fast forward to this baby here, they drop down the fighting styles to 2 per character. They take away the Chess instead of expanding it. They take away the Puzzle fighter instead of expanding as well.....this leaves us with what??? Motor Kombat, a great idea if it was done right. Instead you don't have access to all the characters in it and its very very limited that you end up not playing it after a while. Where is the Chess and the Puzzle fighter guys????

Another big disappointment is the Fatality system. All of us fans used to play the game and when we lose to computer or online and get our head ripped off for the first time we would be glued to the TV to see the Character's Special Fatality, and than think to ourself damn now we have to figure out how to do it and manage to do it on somebody. Now all of them can pull the same thing. No variety, nothing that makes Scorpion different than SupZero...this is a definite step back....Midway owed us a lot better than this when it came to Fatalities. And now moving on to the ending of the game. As a last instalment in the MK games why not have TONS and TONS of CG movies in there to make it go out with a bang?? U finish the game and the ending is so disappointing u won't finish it again.

All and all its not a complete lose, the game does give you create a character mode that will keep you busy for a long time. U can also take the character online. Honestly I have to give them lots and lots of credit for this cause the only 2 company to date that I know of that lets you do that is Midway and THQ for their Wrestling game. EA sucks when it comes to that they don't even let you create your own car for Nascar 07.

So in the end really what does it come down to?? It would have been perfect if u forgot about the story mode and included all the characters, with 3 fighting styles, their own Fatalities and the chess and Puzzle and added the Motor Kombat. As a future owner of the 360 I do hope u take the time to perfect this game and bring it out for that system with great graphics and amazing endings that matches your opening movie.