Really Good Game!!! Anybody should buy it!! Very good gameplay and lots to do!!
Gameplay: It has a really really good gameplay. You can do Konquest which is really short(I beat in two days) but way better than Deception. You can do normal Kombat which just like all MKs, it is pretty challenging. You can also do Kreate-a-Fighter, which was like my dream come true. You can decide his or her appearance, all moves and style. Even the Weapon Style and Moves. You can change their voices, make biographies and even choose their special moves. It is really awesome though you can only do one per Profile. All you have to do is do more than one profile. There is also Motor Kombat which puts your favorite Kombatants in little kart. But the catch is that there are death traps everywhere and you have a different superpower for each characters.
Graphics: Alright some say the graphics sucks. I say they are really good even though they should be better. They are better than all other MK games.
Sound: Well I mean they are pretty good, all I wished is that there were more choices of voices for your KAF.
Value: Replay value is very good because there are so much modes you can do.
So this is a game I can recommend to everybody because all characters are there, and you have so much to do. It is a really good finish for this series. Although I hope they are gonna do more MKs in the future!!!