Great for gamers who are just starting out on the series. Good for those who know what it is all about...

User Rating: 9.1 | Mortal Kombat: Armageddon PS2
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon was a great game for those who just started the series and it is the first MK they've played. But for those who have played previous MK's, then you may be alittle disappointed. The big new feature they added was 'Create-a-Fighter,' where you can create your own fighter and use him in combat, the only bad thing was that you had very little moves to choose from. Also, they really weren't that strong, but it was cool to fight as a custom character. Another thing they added was 'Motor Kombat' which was an entertaining race with selected MK characters like Jax and Sub-Zero. It was fun when friends came over and want to settle the score in racing instead but fighting. 'Konquest Mode' was a big improvement I thought, The story made sense and went well with the game. It really doesn't jump around, if you aren't familiar with MK, you still get the story. Arcade mode is still the same as the others, that hasn't changed much. I think the most disappointing thing of the game was the custom fatalities. Yep, that's right, CUSTOM FATALITIES. Sounds cool, but it's hard and confusing, lots of buttons are involved and you have to be quick, yes it was a cool idea but I think they should of keep the set fatalities just maybe alittle different each time, or maybe bringing back BABYALITY and ANIMALITY. Those were always funny and cool...or maybe they could of went both custom and set. I don't know, I thought that was a cool thing at first, but after trying it, it was hard and confusing because I forgot which button combo I've already used. Plus, the fatalities weren't that great anyway, Rip off arm, kick legs in, turn around, rip other arm off, kick to the knees, rip head off...nothing special unless you got to the ULIMATE FATALITIES, which was hard as hell. It's great that all the 60+ characters are back too...MK: Armageddon was a great game, never lost isn't enjoyment....always fun...I think everybody should try it!