Managed to revive a classic series, but it felt empty for a Mortal Kombat game.
With Lui Kang dead and with the Deadly Alliance getting closer in gathering enough souls to control the dragon army, Raiden once again gathers the strongest warriors to try to stop the Deadly Alliance. Characters like Jax, Kitana, and Reptile return. Along with some new characters like Frost, and Kenshi. The game has a decent roster when all is said and done.
The fighting engine is based on different fighting styles. Each character has 2 sets of martial arts stances and a weapon stance. One fatility( which this game has some of the weakest fatalities in the series) for each character. No stage fatalities I'm afraid. The gore tends to look like rubbery pop corn, though tones of blood sprays everywhere through out the fight.
"Test your Might" returns along with a game called, "Test your Sight", where they place an item under one of three cups and shuffle them as fast they can while you try to keep your eye on the item cup.
Though this game could have been alot better gameplay wise, it still a good MK game.