With a little bit of more work, this could of turned out much better.

User Rating: 7.1 | Mortal Kombat: Deception PS2
This game is actually a little dissapointing...I was expecting a much better game than this. But basically, this is MK DA with slight improvements and a couple mini games thrown in with a krappy konquest mode.

The graphics here, are not amazing, at all. In fact, they suck. The characters look very plastic-ish, and the enviornments...well, they're ok. The animation looks a little stuff when fighting, and the winning aniamtions are just..well, Krappy as hell. I do like the fat that there aren't many jaggies, and the game overall has the same style so nothing looks out of place. And there's also a nice CG intro, but that's about it. Overall, the graphics are ok at best.

Now the game has some actually nice sound effects and the music isn't bad. Everything sounds really crisp, and well done. However, the music well, it's just uninspired. But overall, the Audio is decent.

Now for the gameplay, I'm gonna divide it into 5 sections, just to make it easier.

Core Kombat-
The actual fighitng hasn't improved much over deadly alliance, except for the new lnteractive enviornments. But after palying DOA for so long, it feels dumbed down. Anyway, you would expect it to be better than DA, but it's actually worse in some cases. The collision detection sucks, and the moves dont seem like they hit as hard. But I have mixed reactions. Anyway, the game does have plenty of moves, and they're all take some skill to do. But the fighting, well, it's not that fun. The characters feel very stiff and there are many cheap things you can do wehich throws you off. Overall, it could be much, much better, but the devs are lazy I guess.

Konquest Mode-
My god, WTF happened here? It's like they took a big S*** and here came konquest mode. The graphics are PS1 quality, the VO is trash, and it's just re**rded. It's slow, long, boring, and you HAVE to do it! Or else you won't get anything unlocked. REAL smart guys! Nice job, dumbass's. Overall, this is slappew together garbage and unfortuantly they MAKE you go through it.

Chess Kombat-
Well, it's chess, with MK. While you're on the board you can do some magic attacks and stuff, nothing amazing. And once you're chess fighters meet up, you fight reguarly, so not much here. An ok mode...

Puzzle Kombat-
Basically, this is like tetris, except you have little guys on the bottom of the screen and they do different special things when your bar fills up. A decent mode, that might actually be better than the fighting itself for some people.

Well, this part is ok, but unfinished. The stats don't update quickly enough though, and it just doens't work properly at times. And as for the fighting and stuff, it's pretty smooth. But anyway, the problem here is that people are cheap, so basically, it's not fun to play. The end.

Overall, this game could of been much better. The online part could of been flushed out, the Konquest mode shouldn't even exist, and the core fighitng should of been tweaked much more. But yet you still have fun with this game sometimes, especially with buddies. I mean, C'mon, it's Mortal Kombat!