Blood and Gore, this game is for you!

User Rating: 8.3 | Mortal Kombat: Deception GC
Of you play the previous MK game then you know what it is about. If haven’t then you are missing the blood, gore, and the finishing moves that is so violence. The thing that I like and other people like that is an old MK thing is the finishing moves. If you beat your opponent and they a dizzying around, that is when you can do a fatality move. Each character has 2 fatality moves. The fighting system is okay, and the stages are alright. In some of the stages there a deathtraps, which is traps that you can punch you opponent into. In this game there is and extra things to do then just fighting. There is normal fighting mode, puzzle mode, chess mode, and adventure mode. In adventure mode you get to explore the MK world like a RPG, but without the leveling up or collecting. The graphic is alright, but I wish it is like Soul Caliber graphic. This is just another fighting game, but if you have to check this out, then I telling you that this is an alright fighting game.