First Gorey Fighting That Rocks!

User Rating: 9.2 | Mortal Kombat II: Kyuukyoku Shinken GEN
Wow I love this game and can spend hours playing it!

Gmaeplay 10/10 Perfect! Wow special moves and unique abilities for each character especially fatalities! This game is defintly a perfect fighting game!

Graphics 9/10 Also another wow! Um let's see, the graphics in MK 1 good, this game, wow they improved! They even improve more in each game until MKSM which they disaproved!

Sound 9/10 The great sound affects of the people screaming is perfect. The fatality sounds (not when the people die, but those are great too!) are awesome and the Dan Formman (I think he's called) coming out "Toasty".

Value 10/10 I can play this game over nd over again and still not get sick of the blood and violence in it! It's just so much fun and valuable!

Tilt 8/10 It's great and all but I wouldn't play it for a really long time like a Zelda game but it is still great!

Overall 9.2/10 (Superb) Conclude that it's a great game and really fun and you need it for your Genesis!