One of the All Time Classics
With Mortal Kombat II, gamers are presented the crown jewel in the early MK series. While the graphics of this game are primitive compared to MK games like Deception, Deadly Alliance, and Armageddon, gamers have to remember this game was released on 16bit Consoles, not a power house like the Xbox or Playstation. However, dispite the grapichs MK II for the SNES is actually far more realistic then the Xbox and Playstation MK games, because the characters are live actors, and not the computer generated characters MK fans have come to know, this alone makes this game one of the superior MK games.
These live action gaphics also alow the one thing MK is famous for to be presented in a more realistic manner, namely beating your enemy to a bloody pulp. With MK II, Nintendo learned from the mistake that killed the SNES verson of MK I and included blood and gore.
While Nintendo stays true to the Mortal Kombat Legacy, MK II is not with out it's draw backs. The fist of these drawbacks is the lack of characters. The game features about 12 playable characters, including Fan Favorite Characters Bakura and Kung Lao, this feature will probably have many new MK fans who have grown up with the complete series, feeling alienated, because characters they will only be able to play as the selectable characters. The second drawback the game has is it's controls, the SNES controller makes controlling the characters, and preforming special movies increadibly difficult, and at times impossible.
Dispite these draw backs, Mortal Kombat II is one of the best MK games, in terms of story, characters, and action, and will appeal to fans of classic fighting games and the Mortal Kombat Series in general.