The single player sucks, but the multiplayer is friggin' awesome.

User Rating: 8.4 | Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks PS2
Shaolin Monks is a game that tests you in button mashing, doing to best moves and skills and kicking bloody butt. The story begins with the Mortal Kombat tournament underway, until everything goes wrong and Shao-khan returns for more. He basically banishes Lu-kang and Kung-lao into the Lair of Goro, just beneath the tournament field. (Not exactly smart...) Lui-kang and Kung Lao then battle the forces of hell. Not too shabby. I have to go, so to close this off , it sucks in single player but rocks in multi. MORTAL KOMBAT!!! (theme song please). Let's just keep it short and buy this now to avoid humiliation.