Worth Buying

User Rating: 7 | Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks PS2
This game is for all skill levels, but as you get farther into the game, it gets more challenging.( my friend is a much better gamer than i am, but i got farther than him, in a shorter amount of time) The game play gets pretty repetitive, unless you can do diffrent combos each time( very improbable). This game can be completed in a rough 6-7 hours depending on your gaming experience, and $50 seems a bit steep.Only play this game in
Ko-Op, but playing it in single player mode, you can unlock 2 other charactoers for story mode( hint: "get over Here"... the other guy dosent say much. I have played both PS2 and X-Box versions and the PS2 seems better in graphics than the X-Box. And when using the other characters the sound can screw up, the backround music and some sound affects dissapear when playing as these two.