MK Shaolin Monks is an adventure beat-em up game. Even though its not like most MK games fans of MK should try it.
MK Shaolin Monks is alot different than most MK games because of the adventure style gameplay so you won't be familiar with the gameplay. In story mode you can play it in single player mode or have a friend's help in Ko-Op mode. The 2 starting playable characters are of course Liu Kang and Kung Lao. The game has many different attack moves such as your fast attacks' strong attacks' pop up attacks' and throws. You can perform combinations of these in a single combo. For example pop up attack and then fast attacks. Throughout the game you can gain experience points to upgrade your moves and buy new ones. Both characters have different moves they can buy such as Liu Kang's triple fireball and Kung Lao's razor hat. You can pick up and use weapons as well as unlock platfrom abilities such as swinging' double jump' wall jump' and fist of ruin. Every move has its own expereince cost and you don't share experience with your teammate.
Throughout the game you will gain new kill moves. There are 3 types. Fatality' Multality' and Brutality. In order to perform a fatality you must have one circle full.(Which can be filled up by attacking enemies enough.) The next step is to use your stunner on an enemy and type in the fatality code which is how you choose which fatality you do. Fatalities between characters vary such as Liu Knag's dragon transformation fatality and Kung Lao's rabbit fatality.(It is so funny watching him do this fatality.) The effect of a fatality is an instant kill which can not be done on bosses and some other enemies. Fatalites award you bonus experience but multalities and brutalites do not. A multality is done the same way but requires 2 circles. A multality kills all surrounding enemies. A brutality takes 3 circles. Brutalites have major effects on enemies. Almost all enemies will die instantly in this mode. Once in this mode you attack the same way but the moves are different and are very powerful.
As you play Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks you will explore the world of Mortal Kombat which you should be familiar with if you are a Mortal Kombat fan. You will also battle bosses such as Scorpion' Goro' and Baraka. Once one of these bosses is defeated you must use your stunner and quickly put in the code that it tells you do to do a special boss fatality.(You can't do a normal fatality.)
There is tons to unlock in this game such as characters' concept arts' and levels' and with the multiplayer' Ko-Op mode' and unlockable MK 2 game' theres a good amount that needs to be done in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Any Mortal Kombat fan should definitely try this one out.