Solid action but still includes traditional MK downfalls.
I have come to expect MK programmers to not work all the bugs out in their games (hell, its like a insider trademark) and this one is no different. I got stuck in a rock, no sound efx, a bunch of character action slow down, stuck under a bridge, a black screen, a screen full A's and B's, and the inability to skip a cut-scene in just 2 and 1/2 hours of game play. (sigh) Strike 1.
The graphics and especially the character models are dated and low-res. With the xbox and ps2 far into their life cycle this is unacceptable. Strike 2.
The characters and difficulty are unbalance at times. Comboing is easy with Lui Kang but try Kung Lao and you'll find combos are fun with him too until someone starts throwing projectiles for example. And just like the Akklaim versions of MK series you sometimes have to be "cheap" to win or they be " cheap" with you. Strike 3.
The game,at times, is not always clear on where to go next. The map is of limited help ( for those that beg to differ). Oh well, no greatness for Ed Boon.
Pros: solid action, great co-op feature
Cons: unimpressive graphics, fun-dampening program bugs, slight lack of clarity, unbalanced characters and difficulty ( at times).
THE FINAL VERDICT: A solid action title that tries to follow the God of War formula and does a fairly decent job. It however, has some problems that keep it from being listed as a great game.