this one was boring to me.believe me been there done that,we need something new,NEW FEATURE ARE THE KEY.
first of all i have to mention afew things here.
this is mortal kombat we are talking about, it should'nt join DC characters i think this is bad.
secondly it looks as if the DC characters have been made by just like MK,this is a weakness there was no need for this.
lets see.
the game is really boring i have to say.even the arcade mode you have to beat like more than 10 characters to unlock a PICTURE!what is going on least unlock a video tekken series do.
i have to admit though i still like my own scorpion,subzero,and few others that arent there.
this game could have brought more of MK characters but didnt do so.
a year later after the release of MK vs DC,
DC with the help of eidos releases batman arkham asylum.and sells like crazy.
maybe it is time we see an action RPG of mortal kombat.
the finishhim/finishher moves are still like before and some of them are pretty cool.
but guys do we all have so much time to just sit around and try out different fatality moves,well i dont.
after all these years at least a Replay feature would be nice.
and we need something new here,hello?midway are you reading this?
i love MK games but i wish they spend more time and energy on looking forward to the next one.