Fun, but not a "real" MK game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe X360
I'm a huge MK fan, particularly MK1-3 as I see myself as an "oldskool" MK fan. Personally, I see these games as some of the greatest accomplishments in video game history and can't help but compare newer MK games to those.

To start off, I've been on this MK phase lately and bought almost every game that has been made to this date. Sure it's pretty well known that this franchise has had its ups and downs (don't they all?), especially with the introduction of 3D gameplay. I see Deadly Alliance as the best in the 3D realm, possibly one of the best in the series. After a few playthrough's of MK vs DC, I compared a lot of the gameplay mechanics and 3D environments to DA. Although not a total letdown, this game is fun but not on the same level and greatness.

To start off with the positives, this game looks pretty. Character models, environments, moves, cut scenes (nice addition)... you name it. It all looks good. It was also nice seeing the traditional fatalities return rather than "Kreate a Fatality" in Armageddon. I was also happy to see the minigames taken out since they negate to the game overall (Motor Kombat? C'mon this isn't Mario Cart). The fighting mechanics are also decent with all the combos and player movement itself. To some it up, this game does a lot of things right in MK's name.

What it doesn't do right though is the TEEN rating. Seriously, this is Mortal Kombat. We've always played this for it's violence and gore, it's what separates it from the others. At least the fatalities are still there, but it's so lame how tamed they are. The roster is also somewhat disappointing. The whole DC combination backfired in my eyes, I don't want to play as Superman, Captain Marvel, or Batman (and this is coming from a huge Batman fan). I want to play as classic MK characters such as Cyrax, Smoke, Kabal, Sektor, etc. tearing each other apart.

I have really mixed views of this game as I'm sure many of you do too. The only reason why I purchased this game wasn't because of my MK phase, but the fact it was only $15 in the Target clearance section and wanted to give it a shot. The game looks great and it's awesome seeing MK characters in full 1080p, but if only the gore and violence were there it would be on a level much higher than this. Here's hoping for a "real" MK in 9.