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User Rating: 8.6 | MotoGP '06 X360
It might be unfair to compare Moto GP and Tourist Trophy cause they are on different systems, but where the latter comes off as clinical, Moto GP gets my vote for adrenaline rushing blood pumping action. It might just be the graphics, but I think the thrills are just basically better. The incredible sense of speed. The violent crashes. But then again, its not fair to call Moto GP an arcade racer, cause that would give short shrift to the skills needed to play this game as you simultaneously manage your bike. I also have to give a shout out to the people who made this game for adding hard challenges before each race that increases all of your skittles. (skills) It reminds me of a RPG. Well overall this is a very good game that is worth a purchase. Its also rent-worthy but when you have to return it you will be very sad and cry yourself to sleep for a week.