At first i was disappointed rated it a 3, then a 5, now i totally love the game. it really does grow on you
So. First comes MotoGp then 2 .. xboxlive with 2 was awsome and i spent every waking hour on the game. I loved it. 3 came out and had so many problems with the scoreboards, chat that i got rid. 06 came out and i thought we were getting there bar the freezing, scoreoard crashing, communication errors, i stand my my initial thoughts that is was 3 ported but the racing was flawless as i joined many Real lap tournaments across the net and had a wicked time with the game . .even tho it had its say backend programming problems.
So here we have 07. What a load of utter trash.
Lets do first things first. The control. I know we all like a bit of realism in our games but when you cant program it properly its best to cut losses. the other games had no problems with the bikes action but this one has.
Im a first person rider, that is i look throught the visor (static cam). i cant stop my bike wheelieing every time i start(doesnt matter what it do with the set up) so i have to do a missvley poor start. So im riding in first person and i see my dash. im some bikes its good i can see the speed and the laps and my best time .. great. In 06 FPR (first person riders) didnt have any indication of their speeds so this is an improvement BUT. Where the hell is the information such as time, laps, distance from and to bikes. You could say turn the telemetry on but im still not sure how accurate this is . . ill get to that later. Ill tell you where all this info is, its in the reverse cam view. You know bikes . . .great for quick looking, not only do you have to position bikes properly on the track to compensate for lean time if u want to see any extra info you have to hit B and see it in the reverse cam. Well done lads. Im a programmer and applied for a job at climax but never heard from them. I congratulate you on the guys you hired. they have done a bang up job, your test team is A*
So, back to control. I know we like realism like i said but when all is said and done it is a game and players have to feel incontrol. Well i dont feel incontrol of this bike. On heavy braking and turning the bike sort of bobs, auto corrects . .well who knows what its doing its all over the place. What is with the un smooth correcting of the bike when coming out of a fast corner, its unlike anything ive ever seen in this type of game movement is analog-ues in nature and not step bobby if you get me.
So first person riders cant see any stats (great for all you 3rd person riders tho u can see what ud expect to see) Why didnt you have the option of having this info on or off for FPR? But have it on the reverse cam?
Lets get onto this telemetry. So it shows sections of the tracks you are doing the best in. What is this timed off, my best lap ever? the sessions lap? Well ive got like ultra slow into some corners and its gone green which means person best for the section . . So i have 1 section on jerez thats yellow (first corner and its probably only down by a tiny tiny bit) and the rest green . . if this is my best section time ever across like 98% of the track . . .why is the time a second slower? Im not gettting it. In other racing games . . lets take forza for eg . . im green on every check point by whatever margin . . i know what i have to do to keep it . .and i cross the like .500 up. In this game i do a full green circuit and im a second down??? WTH. If it was half yellow (good clean section) and half green id understand.
Hmmm not sure whats going on here.
Anyway. Some of u could be reading this and saying . .switch views, he doesnt know what hes talking about. beleive me, i do, this game is awful but ill continue to play it cos like all games the last release gets shelved returned . . bargain bin . . . whatever. I love this series and this game makes me want to cry. well done climax. Ive never played the extreme mode in the game or in any of the others im a serious racer that refuses to powerslide. If i go on extreme and find its just perfect im not going to be happy. You have called the game Motogp . . you could have called it motogp extreme edition and i would have stayed the hell away. Its a case of the noobs shout loudest, the waambulance has come to their aid and what you have given the hardcore racers . .the ones still plying 06 online with full lobbys of 16 dedicated racers a totally watered down product and experience. No ones going to read this, no one cares, i just hope the 20 friends i have on my list agree with me when i see them on it . . .they probably wont as they rider 3rd person . . most of them. God team. Seriously i would test your stuff 20 hrs a day and made sure its what the people want . .hell id do it for the extreme.
oh well. this game is a total disappointment. End of . . really sorry for any bad grammar and spelling, im furious and there is so much more i want to say about how furious i am that ive waited all this time and mach rider is a better alternative to this . .although mach rider was cool edit
oh you see all the hud if you crash. Brilliant
further edit - / 2 / 8 / 07
I initially rated this game a 3, well its gone up to 5. After repeatedly playing and playing and playing and playing, ive gotton used to it. I still cant get over the fact i have no hud only in reverse can or when i crash but i can kinda live with it. The bike unnaturally wobbles, my starts are poor, im setting top 100 times in the world, i still havent played the extreme yet. Games ok, worth buying andf ill always be around to race should the community die . . .but it wont, cos we love motogp the hardcore few that play the other one . . even still