Has some cool features, and some dismal parts to this new sega of moto gp racing.

User Rating: 7.5 | MotoGP '07 X360
I got this game because it was cheap and I had money. Overall, I guess I'd say that it was an okay desicion.


Cool modes;
-Career mode is kind of addicting once you get the hang of it.
-Online is pretty fun, alot of people quit though I found.
-More bikes and characters than '06.


Controls; I found this game way too dificult on the easier difficulties. I hate to whine, but I found that even rookie was almost impossible to qualify in the top, as it is very hard to not fall and slide out of control at least once, and once you do, you basically have no hope of getting a good qualifying spot. I eventually got the hang of it, but I still can only race on rookie and sometimes pro.

Basically the game is good for die-hard moto gp fan, but if your a casual gamer, I wouldn't recommend it.