pretty much the exact same thing as the previous...
the graphics are exactly the same as motoGP 3.....but worse. the scenery in the forth seems to be less appealing. not only that, all of the sceneries are the same. in motoGP 3, everything was unique.
also, the sound quality is the same too. everything sounds similar as the previous releases, so there was absolutely no change in that. well, i guess the menu toggle sounds are a bit different :P
in terms of gameplay, i thought motoGP 4 wouldve brought the biggest changes of all. when the third was released, the control of the bike was one of the most frustrating issues. in motoGP4, this problem was going to be fixed. well guess what?!?!?! still the same thing...
just a warning for people that have played the motoGP series, and are planning to get motoGP 4.....dont do it. the promises of this supposedly revolutionary release has failed to comply with even the simplist of improvements.