Motor Mayhem has better graphics, gameplay, sound, value, and tilt then twisted metal.
User Rating: 10 | Motor Mayhem PS2
Motor Mayhem is a perfect game that has very tight gameplay. The best way to play is 2 player mode where you get to kill eachother. It is very fun. If you only like to play 2 player modes on games then you have to get Motor Mayhem. Motor Mayhem has many guns. You always have a machine gun with you and you can get machine gun upgrades. when you machine gun has no upgrades it has yellow bullets. When you get one machine gun upgrade your bullets are bigger then lines and are shaped like bals and they are red. When you have 2 machine gun upgrades then your bullets are the same as if you have one machine gun upgrade but its blue instead of red. The last machine gun upgrade is huge and it sparkles blue. Its more brighter then the blue for the second machine gun upgrade is and its faster. There are guns like tazers, shot guns, and many more! Well if you dont have motor mayhem, buy it NOW! :D