Motorstorm was made to be a show stopper for the PS3,and thats exactly what it is.

User Rating: 8 | MotorStorm PS3
Motorstorm is a great game graphically as it was meant to be,being a showcase of a demo for the PS3 at launch.What makes the game look so good though,would have to be the level of detail added to the destruction of vehicle colliding against vehicle to form a massive fiery collision.It looks incredible,the camera pans are also well done and can add much more to the coolness factor of the collisions.Other than that,its just great to drive your selected vehicle as dirt is thrown at the camera.The game also provides long tracks,but most will become very tedious considering the small amount to be driven on.There is also no slow down during the game,except for a very few brief occasions.The over-all game looks great for the time.

Each soundtrack that greets the drum of your ear is hardcore rock.The sound track can really get you pumped and ready to go insanely fast!The explosions sound like they should sound,loud and ferocious.The sound of your car's engine revving up will stick with you long after.

Motorstorm is your usual arcade racer,but it's just a whole lot more fun than your average one.The button lay-out is all well placed,and the dual triggers on the PS3 controller really find a great use with this game,being that they're the speed and break.One of the neat features in Motorstorm,or one I found quite unique,would be the fact that your able to hit your opponents while on bikes.This isn't the first game to employ the the feature,but its just real fun to use in Motorstorm.I digress.Vehicles are extremely plentiful in this game.The range is from Bikes,to Rally Cars,and all the way to Jeeps & Big Rigs.Each vehicle has a specific way of taking a track on,light weight vehicles like bikes,take to the higher ground of the track,while heavy weighing vehicles such as the big rigs,do the complete opposite.You'll also need to be wise full with where and when you boost.Boosting is another key feature in Motorstorm,use it at the right time,and it just might win you the race.If you happen to try and boost the entire length of the track though,prepare to blow-out your engine.The game's tour mode is pretty short,but the difficulty level really ramps up in the later parts of the tour mode.

Final Verdict: Motorstorm is a great racer,and one fans of the genre will definitely enjoy.