A messy treat for any racing fan and newby alike, even if it is made for the arcade - 7.5
User Rating: 7.5 | MotorStorm PS3
PS3 had quite a powerful collection of launch titles, and probably the most praised one was Motorstorm. PS3 owners were promised awesome gameplay, great graphics, amazing detail, good online, and thats exactly what they got. Just not enough of it. Motorstorm does have fun and realistic gameplay. Controls are simple to use and races and locations are all spot-on. Visuals are just as good aswell. the amount of detail put into scenery and cars is phenomenal. most impressive are probably the crashes though which are actually enjoying to watch. Online play is also very fun, all the tracks are included and an online status tis given ranging from 'Zero' to 'God'. So what is wrong with this game you may ask? Well what you see is what you get, and its all you get. there is no offline multiplayer and there isn't much variety at all. This game would probably work the best as an arcade game or a PSN download like Warhawk. Enjoyment is plentiful and visuals are superb, even if it is held back by its lack of depth - 7.5
+ Awesome graphics
+ Great crashes
+ Decent online
- No offline multiplayer
- Lacks depth