Motorstorm = Awsome Fun

User Rating: 8.5 | MotorStorm PS3
Motorstorm is a great game, it has everything you want and need in a racing game, excellent graphics, cool cars, awsome music, big jumps, cool crashes, and large, unforgiving tracks. Motorstorm is the best PS3 game i have played, i just can't get over the graphics the mud and dirt flying everywhere looks phenomenal, and i absoulutly love the soundtrack. There is however one thing that lets this game down and that is that in the later levels all the other cars and bikes on the track don't want to win anymore, all they try to do is kill you, they will use all of their boost to get in front of you and then for some stupid reason brake right in front of you, which gives you **** loads of road rage. despite the extreme anger you can get from this game sometimes this game is friggen sweet. Recommended if you have have a PS3, even if you don't like racing games this one is fun