MotorStorm is a visceral experience. One worth enjoying over and over. It is the best gaming experience on the PS3.
MotorStorm is fantastic at doing what it does best, which is making a truly intense game. These races, although sometimes repetitive are fun as heck. While playing you will often experience a "holy $#!+" moment. In almost every race you will find yourself fighting for your life to win, often times crashing from going to freaking fast and loosing control. MotorStorm has a bunch of vehicle types and vehicles to choose from. Whether you want a Mud Plugger for the you guessed it muddy terrain or the Rally Car for the flat and fast terrain, their is an array to choose from. Although there are many vehicles to choose from their are not many tracks, only 8 actually. Though they are long tracks, you see them too many times. One downside to MotorStorm is that their is no offline multi-player. But that isn't a big lose since multi-player in racing games often sucks. But to make up for it the online gaming is fantastic and adds hours and hours of replay value. So go out there and BUY IT, PLAY IT AND BEAT IT!