Finally, an intense violent racer!

User Rating: 9.2 | MotorStorm PS3
One of the most anticipated video games many players were looking forward to were MotorStorm. Now the time has come and it's just short of dissapointment. This game features a bunch of very cool things and effects. There aren't many games out there that put out an experience like this one to date.

The gameplay in MotorStorm is plays the style of a racer. The controls aren't too hard but they do add a nice tweak to the game. Having crappy controls for a game like this wouldn't go well. The AI racers are intelligent, they will do whatever it takes to win the race you're in. There are a number of levels in which you go up in as you exceed further into the game. As each level increases, the game will get more challenging. The types of vehicles you can get are outstanding. You can choose from seven different types of vehicles, whether it's a bike, ATV, or a big rig. It's your choice. However, there are tickets in which allow you to only play as a certain vehicle for a specific race---meaning you're options are somewhat limited. This isn't all that bad seeing as the player will get to experience every track with the amount of vehilces there are. These vehicles have strengths and weaknesses that will vary from track-to-track. An example is when the player is riding a motorcycle in a mud pit. You will slip and slide a lot and it only gets worse! That's what the alternate paths are for, they provide a good use for vehicles that have a disadvantage in a race. Another note, the big rigs can basically fly through anything except for the main terrain and that's really neat to do because it's fun wrecking everything beyond recognition. The vehilces move like they're supposed to but there is rag-doll physics for the motorcycle and ATV riders but it only adds to the fun. In the end, the gameplay is truley amazing for MotorStorm.

MotorStorm offers excellent graphics. This includes having extremely highly-detailed vehicles. Another really neat thing is your vehicle will actually get covered in dust, mud, or any other thing the desert has to throw at you. The tracks players verse each other on can be damaged and it's permanent for the rest of the race. An example is when you're driving a buggy or any other vehicle in the mud and it leaves tracks. There are also damageable items that are spread along the track. The tracks designs are very well done and they just look great overall. There are two views for each vehicle, one could possibly be the first person view camera or the close chase camera. The other is just the plain third-person view which many players will stick with. The crashes are so amazing, whether your vehicle is being torn up by the terrain itself or ends up in a huge accident---it all looks ****ing amazing. The skins for vehicles are very creative and there's bound to be one or two that players will love. Though there are a few exceptions some players might notice. Some of the terrain, such as grass patches, will be quite blurry and they stick through the vehicle when you drive over them. That's about the only exception for the graphics, but overall the rock!

The sound in this game is great. MotorStorm gives you an overall not bad soundtrack but it truley would be amazing if the player could customize their own. The vehicle sounds are amazing and go well while flying over the tracks. Whether you're hearing the roar of the car's engine or the loud shattering intense crashes you'll end up in. However, every time you crash, whether it's flying off a cliff or smashing into the solid rocks in the terrain, it all sounds the same. You'll hear the exact same "explosion" before you crash. There isn't much more to say about the sound except they're very good.

Many players are going to think that MotorStorm dosen't have much too it---but that's true. The game itself dosen't feature an offline multiplayer mode but happens to have a killer online game. Sadly, there are only eight tracks to play off of, but tickets have different times of day and give the track a different appearance. Sadly, there's basically only the play mode and that's the main appearance for the gameplay despite the online mode. Overall, the value isn't that great but maybe Sony can pull something together for us.

I personally think that this was a killer idea for a video game and Sony exceeded but not far from the expectation's point. MotorStorm features killer gameplay, kick-ass graphics, and great sound. If you own a PS3, I recommend you check this game out, it isn't all that bad but with another push from Sony (downloadable content) this game could exceed its limits and be a lot better than it is. Once again, this game is very fun and amazing and deserves a rent, if not possibly a purchase.