M&B Warband mod. And not a very good one at that.
Oh and once you've played Warband, and want more variety, go download some mods. Some goods mods, quite a lot better than this one, which are also free of cost.
Before anything else, let's make on thing clear. This isn't a game developed by the M&B dev team. This is basically a sort of modified M&B Warband, created by 'professional' developers. Since they've probably made changes to the actual code behind the game and not just created a module, there are some changes they made which ordinary modders cannot make, but you'll be hard pressed to find them or be bothered by them, considering the mind blowing quantity and quality of user created modules like the Prophecy of Pendor etc.
Now, about the game itself. Yeah it's Warband gameplay, with addition of firearms (ooooh never seen those before) and a very very huge map. The firearms however are very overpowered and one hit kills become frustrating after a while, specially considering that the muskets in that time and age rarely hit their target at all. Plus the people didn't even bother to take time to do some good reloading animations....the character holds a pistol like they're holding crossbow. Yeah that's called 'professional development.
Worst of all the game started out with a ton of bugs (I haven't tried the latest patch, maybe they fixed some).
So if this sounds more like a rant than a review, then maybe it is. TBH though, please, don't waste money on this turd. Go get Warband and then download some good mods for it. This one isn't worth it.