Now dont let hte score get you down this is one of the best PC games out there.
User Rating: 8.5 | Mount & Blade PC
Now when i first noticed mount and blade it was my birthday so i was like hey mom can i get this and they were like ok so we bought it and all of a sudden i was hooked. so when you start out the game you get the choice of basic things like apperance and what not then comes the skills and what you want your character to be. so you can be a maurauding mercenary or a gallnat knight but not straight off the top. you start out only beiing able to have like 25 men under your command then you build up your army into a huge force to be reckoned with. my peeves with this game is that the men in your army arent free you have to pay them monthly and that can drain your expenses if u have a large army. Also after a while the sandbox play becomes a little too sandbox its usually wandering around aimlessly and trying to find someone to kill. But other than that this game is amazing.