I swear, game critics are becoming more like film critics every day. That makes me sad. Don't dig too deep here. Mountain is the epitome of nonsense. It's an existential foray into "it means what you want it to mean." The developer even admits to that. I can get the same experience staring at the neighbor's cat. Or the dead grass in my yard. It's "strength" lies purely in the calming soundtrack of wind and rain. And not particularly good wind and rain, either.
The experience was worth less than the time it took to write this review. I'm a sucker for new experiences. I lost my investment on this one. Go support some actual game developers and not this guy. It's not worth the 99 cents. My hipster friends would probably claim to "like" it but I don't listen to my hipster friends for a very, very good reason.
Seriously, don't cave to curiosity. It's cheap for a reason. If you want a pointless game then go get Dear Esther. Or Thirty Flights of Loving. Holy crap I can't believe I just suggested that.