Mr. Driller Drill Spirits is a very challenging and fun game.
User Rating: 7.8 | Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits DS
Mr. Driller Drill Spirits for the Nintendo DS is a very fun game that is also extremely challenging. The game is really hard but not to the point that it is so hard that it isn't even fun. The point of the game is to save the drillers that are stuck down at the bottom of these places. This is also a very simple game you only need one button and the D-Pad you drill using the A button and move around with the D-Pad. But if you get crushed you lose a life and you only have three lives. There are also power-up things that you can buy in the store that will give you more life, more speed, and protection from blocks. There are only six levels in the game but each level gets harder & longer to the point that it is near impossible to beat without power-ups . One of the other challenges you have to face is your oxygen level it will slowly go down and you have to find air capsles or you will die. There are two other modes in the game in one you will have to collect ammo and then fire it at a giant drill thing. And In the time attack mode you have to beat a small level in a short amount of time. There is also a multiplayer mode but you need two copies of the game to play it. The graphics in Drill Spirits are very cartoony but are good. The sound is okay there is some voice acting but not very much. Mr. Driller Drill Spirits is a good game that is reccomended to anyone looking for a challenging game for the DS.