Can't wait for the sequel!!!!
In any case, back to MS Saga, I was looking forward to the game as it would be a revisit to the Xenogears era, remember lugging huge machines and the feeling was just great. But here the robots and the scaled down version, cute, small yet there is a lot of detail in it. The characters are so so....frankly speaking, I thought the girls kinda looked ugly. What with Yuna, Jessica(Dragon Quest) and Lara Croft dominating the gaming realm, I expected a little better. Apart from the robots (which I think are pretty small and good), the characters are well.....hmmmm.......lame. Tremmie reminds me of Norma from Tales of Legendia. Loudmouthed, but Norma was funny and cute, Tremmie.....just loud and annoying. Tristan is nowhere going to be remembered as the boy who stood up for the ones he lost. The characters aren't memorable.
The sound is a so-so. I personally didn't think it was great but it did suit the game. Don't expect a Final Fantasy type musical score. In fact MS Saga sounds like a bootlegged version of it. Voice acting.......terrible and inconsistent. Battle sounds are well done.
The graphics look dated. Enough said......
Now comes the best part.......or not. While you're not in the robot, you just visit towns and well it isn't that great. Just run around, ask people stuff, find out where you have to go next. Oh yeah...the map.....I HATE the map. You have no idea of where exactly to go. You can just keep travelling and you still won't be able to find the place at times. Sometimes you run into the golden version of the mobile suits and they virtually unbeatable. Restart. The battles aren't bad and require a bit of strategy......and having upto 6 characters......3 in front and 3 are your line backers...switch when needed. The customization is the best part. Wow.......its so much more than Xenogears (obviously) and you can paint, interchange parts, creat new suits.....this is where the game shines. Thats what I love about the game.
Word of advice to are off to a good on the characters(more depth, realism, better looking), overhaul the graphics, major, make the map less tedious, stick with customization, maybe polish it a little and work on a memorable story. With the no. of followers Gundam has, I'm sure they will be waiting for a sequel.