Im serious, dont go near this game.
MU Online is just good for the beginning, like most MMO's, because your hyped and want to play the game and its fun realizing what to do and stuff like that. And as you go with the game you dont want to accept that its wasting your time, I dont know why people would play this, if your comp specs are low or something I dont know. So what im trying to say is the game is fun for a month or little less, the view of the game is really annoying. Basically this game is just grind grind, grind some more, wow level up! New weapon, grind grind, new armour, repeating the same trend of these recent MMO's just trying to get your p's (Money). Gameplay wise, the only thing thats good is the PK system, its pretty good, which is the only thing that makes the game lively, there was another thing like a siege I think, cant remember though. Those two points are the ONLY things that will "satisfy" you the slightest. No quests til lvl 100? **** OFF. Just go play something that has a unique way of gameplay, not the same old grinding, some games that are basically grinding are better because they add an element that bases things out and makes it seem like your not constantly killing monsters and things. Just stay away from this game... please. I forgot to mention, the graphics are disgusting, yeah you could cope but please whoever says the graphics are "good" should've gone to specsavers for ****s sake. I really dont like games that have the only element "grind" to them. I'd rather some side things to do, I've played a fair amount of MMORPGs and I know this is a waste of time. If you're comp specs suck, then beg someone for a new one or something, you'll come through. Like I did o.O.
Good Points:
PK system
Good luck finding anything else good
Bad Points:
I want to live my life, not spend it writing bad points, so I'll leave this blank.
STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME --- If you're specs are bad play MapleStory, 2D not very attractive but its good if you've got friends along with you.