One thing I have never understood is why whenever a movie or show comes out the make a crappy game for it. However this is by far the crappiest game ever. Its is extremely short and repetitive and dumb. It's a waist of time money just about every little thing that you have to put in to this boring and suckish game. Now I realize how with most reviews of Games based on TV shows they say only die hard fans of the show could enjoy this well for this game that is not true no one could find more than five minutes of enjoyment out of this horrible repetitive game......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Other Helpful Reviews for Mucha Lucha! Mascaritas of the Lost Code
Wow. The gameplay to Mucha Lucha is slighty better than terrible. The graphics are pretty good though and the music doesn't suck either. The gameplay in Mucha Lucha is way to repetitive and it short. Kicking and punching... Read Full Review
Its boreing,ugly,short,but its basted off a good cartoon.I got this 4 years ago and its okay you have to complete the level in a sorten amount of time and the dumest part is you get graded on how you did in the level.I g... Read Full Review