Gameplay of Muramasa is a lot similar to Odin Sphere. Basically its like a 2D hack and slash kinda game. You'll go around place in a Metroid kinda away going to the next place and progress. You'll also fight boss battles which are very fun and look awesome. You can collect sword by beating a boss or forging them. All swords have abilities that are used in battle. But they use up the swords life bar so don't spam them too much. When they do run out of life, they break make you having to use your other 2 blades.
Graphics in this game are just gorgeous and beautiful. Its like a painting that moves. Yeah 3D games are great and pretty much do anything, but for a 2D game you have to admit it fantastic. Also voice acting in this game is all Japanese. Each characters story can be beaten around 10 hours. The game also has different endings depending on what sword you have on when you fight the last boss or something.
Good thoughts:
- gorgeous art style graphics
- fun and easy gameplay
Bad thoughts:
- your swords breaking can be annoying
- not much to do after you beat both stories
I looks forward to what Vanillaware has next in store.