I expected more from you, Musashi
Story - 5/10
The story is based on the legend of Musashi Miyamoto, the inventor of the two swords style, and his duel with Kojiro Sasaki. The game starts with Musashi being summoned to a magical realm by the Princess of said realm to help defeat a corporation which is draining the people of their power. However, the princess is kidnapped before the summoning is finished and Musashi lands a bit off course. He is found by an old martial artist, who teaches him the way of the sword and sends him off to defeat the corporation. To do so, Musashi needs to find five magic swords and five magic maidens. The story is straightforward, repeating and cliche. Also, large parts of the original legend are completely ignored.
Gameplay - 7/10
The game is an average Action RPG with hack and slash style gameplay and the ability to level up and distribute points to a number of different statistics. However, the main focus is on Musashi's ability to copy his enemies' attacks and abilities, though many of the skills are fairly useless later, as it is mostly easier to just slash your way through the game. This concept is very original and it is pulled off great, but it would be nice to be able to copy more than sword techniques.
Graphics - 6/10
The game utilizes cel-shading for the characters but not for the backgrounds, which is a very weird decision as it would have looked better to just cel-shade the whole thing. There are no real facial movements during the scenes, even though there is voice-acting. This makes the characters less believable. There is a whole lot of slow-down through the game, both in and out of battle.
Sound - 4/10
This game has the worst voice-acting I've ever heard. Most of the voices don't fit the characters and the actors never really put any emotion in it. Thankfully, all of the lines are also shown in text, so you can safely turn of the sound without missing anything. The music is very variable, with some tracks being really bad while others are among the best I've heard. None of it is memorable, though.
Play Time / Replayability - 5/10
The game is fairly short, around 15 hours, I think. There is a new game + function, but you don't get to keep anything from your first playthrough and there is nothing new.
Overall – 5,4/10
I would recommend this game for fans of Action RPGs, Square Enix and/or Musashi Miyamoto only.