Simply addicting and challenging.
With all its different game modes and two visual layouts, this game can entertain anyone who has a taste for challenge. The three essential modes: Original (Xbox or Arcade graphics), Novice or Arrange mode really allow the player to chose what type of game he wants to play, and it allows those who have never really tried a shmup to get into the genre and enjoy the game without being an expert. Since this is my case, I was surprised as to how great the Novice mode was. It allowed me to try out the 3 difficulties of the game without suffering and losing in the first 30 seconds of the game. It really comes to show how much effort CAVE have made to port this game to the Xbox 360 and make it more than just a simple port.
Graphically, the two different styles are perfect and it simply comes to the player's taste. I have no preference and find that both styles have their appeal. The bosses are impressive and the bullet patterns are amazing to look at, especially at the last stage when you have to face the boss (considered to be one of the most difficult bosses of all time).
One of the most positives things of the game I have seen is the soundtrack! Unfortunately, I didn't get the limited edition of the game that came with it, but the soundtrack is just great and really sets the mood for the game.
To make it short, for those who enjoy shmups or who want to discover the genre, this is an amazing game!