the very first player review of mushroom men.
when i saw the case the top read "best wii game since super mario galaxy" "Bah" i said "what game doesn't try to say its the best" but then i started playing.
first i want to talk about the graphics. They are the best graphics ive seen on wii to date (next to SMB:G and metroid prime 3) the graphics are crisp, very not blurry and i think another website said that the graphics were muddy but i really don't think so. the games color is so amazing that its hard to really think about it. Do you remember back in the good ol' N64 days with rareware games such as donkey kong 64 and banjo - kazooie. do you remember how colorful and vibrant those games were. just imagine that same kind of amazing color but on ...mushrooms hehe
next its on to game play. nice and smooth controls. it takes some getting used to to do the cap glide right because if you hit a wall you start plummeting and have to press the A button quickly to get gliding again. I adore the weapons system exept for the fact that all the weapons of each class are exactly the same just with different damage meters. however anyone who has played it who liked it should agree with me on this. basically you have to find objects that humans usually take for granted (such as matches toothpics, pencils, tape etc) which to the mushrooms is called "scav" ( i can only assume this is an abbreviation for scavange)
when you've collected the right pieces of scav you get to create a new weapon , and as i said earlier the people who like this game should agree with me that seeing the little create new weapon icon on the bottom left of the screen is so satisfying being in anticipation to see what it will look like or how powerful it is.
playing mushroom men showed me how big of a world we live in compared to those smaller than us and it really shows how the simplest things we take for granted are amazing to others.
i gave this game a 9 out of 10 and i think that its one of the best games for the wii and i fully recommend it. and im the kind of guy who will search a game on gamespot before buying it to make sure i dont get a bad game (ive learned my lesson with celebrity deathmatch and superman 64 *puke*)