Just flat out horrible.
If you've played MVP '05, you've played this game. NCAA MVP '06 is nothing more then a mere copy with a few additions, and tons of subtractions. EA has added new analog swinging, which is fair at best. It has a huge learning curve. The new analog throuwing system is downright broken. You can no longer pre-plan to toss to a base, since the right stick is also used for jumping and diving. Now your player will dive, when you wished to pre-load the throw. When attempting to catch a fly ball, there is no longer a halo slow down mechanic. You run full boar right through the halo, making it unbearable to even attempt to catch a fly ball. The graphics on this game are horrid. This is 2006, and with the likes of GT4, GoW, and Black, this game should look WAY better. The ESPN license on the cover of the box is extremely misleading. In no way shape or form is ESPN represented in any way in this game, minus the announcers. This game is like playing the Single A games in MVP 05. If you enjoyed that, then you'll like this. Personally, I recommend all to check out the 2K series this year.