MVP baseball is a good game, but it just isn't great, and just doesn't cut it for me. It has a great owner mode, but on the field it just isn't very strong. Coors Field, wait that's Coors Field? I can't tell it looks so bad, and I'm sorry but I go to many Rockies games and it just brings down the realism feeling when I see this horrible rendition of my home stadium. The players look better then last year, many of their bodies were toned down, so they don't look as fat. Their arms still look strange but other than that the players look great, especially the faces. This is a very good game, but there are a few graphical problems and few animations and cut scenes that can make the game repetitive and boring. Gameplay is pretty nice and the animations are solid, although they don't look as realistic as 989 sports MLB. The animations of MVP are still much better then those of ESPN, there is at least some momentum going into the players in MVP. The farm teams are great, because you can create a star and bring him up through the farm teams. There is a total different feel for a AAA game than an MLB game because, the crowd noise, player talent, and intensity in the game. Overall this game is pretty good, especially for new fans of baseball games, this might even be the best choice, but I played too much of last years game and it is very similar to MVP 2004 so it bores me.
MVP '05 is the baseball game to get. This game can surprise you with hours of entertaining fun, especially for baseball enthusiasts. The "feel" of this game is what makes it really stand out, on top of accurate player ... Read Full Review
Baseball. America's Pastime. A sport with a deep history, represented in the video game world by many video game developers. This year, MLB 2K5 gave the EA a run for their money. By putting a $20 price tag on their baseb... Read Full Review