Best Baseball 2005 Baseball Game
The gamesplay oan this game is great. My favorite part, and what I most of the time played on, was the franchise mode. You could really get into that. It was so in depth and you could never stop playing. You can get e-mail in it that have to do with many different things such as the happiness of your players. A lot of the time you think you have the perfect batting order and then you go into a game and you find a small, tiny little thing wrong so you change that. You do that a lot with many different things which keeps you trying new things. Its really really fun.
The graphics are pretty good on this game. I'd have to say that they are kind of blurry though. Other than that they are good, but that brings down the score a little bit, but as you can see by the score, this game is not ruined by the graphics.
The sound on this game is great. The music is awesome and after you play the game, the songs will be stuck in your head which is a good thing because they are great songs. The bad thing about the sound is that it the commentary can be a little bit repetative which is annoying to me because you hear the same thing over and over agiain. But it's not big.
Overall, this is a great game and you should buy it if you don't like MVP '06. If you like MVP '06, go ahead and stick with that game.