DJ's review of MVP Baseball 2005

User Rating: 9.8 | MVP Baseball 2005 XBOX
Well it's almost baseball season again, and here come the games!I believe this game is the best baseball game of this year by far.
The graphics on the stadiums make you believe you are there with the exception of the paper thin people!The audio is great.It may make you think the broadcasters are always bringing up new notes.There are some funny notes they throw in, but it's mostly serious buisness.I don't know about your music preferences, but I liked all the songs on this years' installment of MVP.The gameplay is better than last year, while it seems you have more control of the players on the field.If playing games isn't enough for you, you greedy bastard, then you can have a surprising amount of fun playing the mini games to get points to buy unlockables!
If you don't know what baseball game to catch this year, then I reccomend you hit a homer and get this one.I also like the 2k5 version this year, but I rank EA's version this year better!